Meet the team at Action HealthCare Services, Inc.

Sharon believes her strengths are connecting with the clients and making them feel heard and she takes pride in treating all her clients with the utmost dignity and respect. Sharon contributes her success as a Care Manager and Legal Guardian to her empathy, listening skills, comfort in handling conflict, and determination to ensure that each client’s needs and wishes are fulfilled to the best degree possible. She is well versed in the healthcare systems and relies on this knowledge to advocate for clients and their families.

Theresa joined Action HealthCare Services in the summer of 2022. She brings a varied and rich health care background to the position; she has experience as a care provider, staff supervisor, educator and advocate.
While pursuing her undergraduate degree in Environmental Health, she worked as a nursing assistant. She has worked with intellectually disabled children and adults in institutional, group home and family home settings. She volunteered as a Volunteer Long Term Care Ombudsman when that program began in 1985. After receiving a Master’s degree in Health Service Administration, Theresa has held positions as an American Heart Association instructor of first aid and CPR, a Volunteer Coordinator for Odyssey Hospice, the Colorado Visiting Nurse Association and the Alzheimer’s Association Colorado chapter. She spent three years as the Professional Education Coordinator with the Alzheimer’s Association focusing on the education and training of emergency providers – police, fire and rescue professionals. She also consulted with nursing homes, home care agencies and assisted living facilities to provide training and problem solving for staff. In her off time, Theresa enjoys taking her young grandson to the area parks, taking her dog Tramp on long walks and keeping in touch with family spread across the US.